Alcoholics Anonymous - Western Unity Group

  Email the group

Western Unity Williamstown Wednesday In-person

Wednesday 7:00pm AEDT Next meeting Wednesday 9th October 7:00pm

St Andrew's Hall Williamstown
89 Cecil St, Williamstown VIC 3016

near cnr Thompson Street

Meeting Information

Speaker meeting

In-person (live)
60 minutes

Western Unity Newport Thursday In-person

Thursday 6:30pm AEDT Next meeting Thursday 10th October 6:30pm

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Newport
9 Newcastle St, Newport VIC 3015

Building beside Presbytery
Wheelchair access

Meeting Information

AA literature study:
Join us to discuss the book, '12 Steps and 12 Traditions' (commencing 15 December 2022).

Discussion meeting

In-person (live)

Western Unity Newport Saturday In-person

Saturday 8:30am AEDT Next meeting Saturday 12th October 8:30am

Sacred Heart Catholic Church Newport
9 Newcastle St, Newport VIC 3015

Building beside Presbytery
Wheelchair access

Meeting Information

As Bill Sees It
In-person (live)
60 minutes
Williamstown Meeting 64th Anniversary

Join us to celebrate Williamstown’s 64th Anniversary. A 1.5hr meeting with AA and Al-anon speakers. Refreshments and fellowship following the meeting.

St Andrew’s Hall Williamstown
89 Cecil St
Williamstown, VIC 3016 Australia
Williamstown Meeting 63rd Anniversary

With Al-anon participation

St Andrews Church Hall
89 Cecil Street (Cnr near Thompson Street), Williamstown
Western Unity Group Meeting Online Only This Wednesday Due to Covid Lockdown

Western Unity Newport Saturday Online Only due to Covid Lockdown

Western Unity AA Literature Study Group - Starting a New Book

'The Home Group: Heartbeat of AA' - Selected Stories from AA Grapevine

All welcome to join us – We have great discussions.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Williamstown 59th Anniversary

Supper provided
St Andrew's Hall
89 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Western Untiy Group - Workshop on the First Three Steps

Presented by Chris and David

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
The 12 Concepts For World Service Explained

Chris and David presentation

This event will happen after the 6.30pm Meeting at the same venue
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Western Unity Group - Twelve Traditions Presentation

Presented by Chris and David

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Williamstown Western Unity Group 59th Anniversary

With Supper

St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Fr. Joe - Topic: the Spiritual Paradox of Alcoholism

Fr. Joe is Former Class-A Trustee – AA India & a long-time friend of AA

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Williamstown Wednesday Night Meeting Changing Time

changing start time from 7:30pm to 7pm

St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Williamstown Meeting 58th Anniversary (Western Unity Group)

Supper provided
St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Western Unity Group - Starting a Study of the Living Sober Book

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Presentation - The Doctor’s Opinion from the AA Big Book

Illustrated Steps presentation - Chris & David

To be held after our normal meeting which is held at 8-30am to 9-30am.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Williamstown 57th Anniversary

With Al-Anon participation

Supper after meeting
St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Western Unity (Williamstown) Anniversary

St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Western Unity - The Doctor's Opinion, an Illustrated Presentation

Presented by Chris & David

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Western Unity - Starting a New Book for Discussion '12 Steps and 12 Traditions'

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
The 12 Concepts For World Service Explained

Chris and David presentation

This event will happen after the 6.30pm Meeting at the same venue
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Williamstown Group 55th Anniversary

Please bring a plate
St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Williamstown Group - Change of Meeting Time

Now 7:00pm to 8:30pm (was 8pm)

St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Twelve Concepts Presentation

Presented by Chris and David - Illustrated Steps

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle Street, Newport
Williamstown 54th Anniversary

St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Williamstown Meeting Open As Usual New Years Day

St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
Williamstown Meeting Open As Usual Christmas Day

St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street, Williamstown
New Meetings Starts in Newport - 'As Bill Sees It'

Melways Ref 55 H3

Sacred Heart Catholic Church
9 Newcastle St
Williamstown 53rd Anniversary

St Andrew's Hall
Cecil Street, Williamstown
Williamstown AA Group 52nd Anniversary

St Andrew's Hall
91Cecil St, Williamstown (Near Cnr Thompson St)
Williamstown 51st Anniversary

Please bring a plate
St Andrew's Hall
91 Cecil Street (near cnr Thompson Street)
Williamstown 50th Anniversary

All Welcome. Supper Provided.
St Andrew's Church Hall
91 Cecil St. Williamstown
Williamstown 49th Anniversary

Please bring a plate
St Andrew's Hall Cecil Street
Williamstown 48th Anniversary

St Andrew's Hall
Cecil Street
Williamstown 46th Anniversary

Please bring a plate
St Andrew's Hall
Cecil Street
Williamstown Group 46th Anniversary

All most welcome!!

Please bring a plate
St Andrews Church Hall
Cecil St