Alcoholics Anonymous - Progress Not Perfection Group

  Phone the group

Sam G 0417161125

Progress Not Perfection South Yarra Sunday In-person and Online

Sunday 10:30am AEDT Next meeting Sunday 13th October 10:30am

South Yarra Community Baptist Church
12 Surrey Rd, South Yarra VIC 3141
Meeting ID: 394 896 349 Passcode: 992668
Local phone number (03) 7018 2005 VIC Meeting ID: 394 896 349 Passcode: 992668

Meeting Information

Auslan sign language interpretation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing members provided live and on Zoom on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Donations to support ongoing Auslan interpreter gratefully received.
BSB: 033-072
Account: 488552

Closed Captions and live transcript available

Closed captioning enabled (Zoom)
In-person (live)
Online Meeting
Spiritual Concept
Progress Not Perfection Guest Speaker – Jo Ann L

Jo Ann L – Portland Oregon

53 Years Sober

Jo Ann will share her amazing 53 year long sobriety journey with candour, humour and a touch of GUS…

Also available online

Zoom Meeting ID: 394 896 349
Passcode: 992668

South Yarra Community Baptist Church
12 Surrey Rd
South Yarra, VIC 3141 Australia

The workshop follows the 10:30am Progress Not Perfection meeting at the same venue.

Presented by Chris and David (Illustrated Steps).

A visual workshop. There’ll be a tea break halfway through and plenty of time for discussion and Q&A.

Based on the pamphlets ‘AA in Treatment Settings’ & ‘Speaking at Non-A.A. Meetings’ as well as the relevant sections of the AA Big Book.

The workshop will cover – The DOs and DON’Ts of speaking at Detoxes, Hospitals, Rehabs, Drug and Alcohol Education Programs, Drink Driving Courses, as well as presenting to health professionals.

Also – hints and tips on organising member rosters, and interacting with facility staff and management.

For more information contact Alan B 0410 161 740

South Yarra Community Baptist Church
12 Surrey Rd
South Yarra, VIC 3141 Australia
Progress Not Perfection South Yarra Sunday - OPEN AS USUAL New Years Day

Change of venue.(Was Gahan Centre, Greville St & Grattan St, Prahran VIC )

South Yarra Community Baptist Church
12 Surrey Rd, South Yarra VIC
Progress Not Perfection South Yarra Sunday - OPEN AS USUAL Christmas Day

Change of venue.(Was Gahan Centre, Greville St & Grattan St, Prahran VIC )

South Yarra Community Baptist Church
12 Surrey Rd, South Yarra VIC
Progress Not Perfection Meeting Temporary Change of Venue

This meeting is normally at the Baptist Church, 12 Surrey Rd, South Yarra

It is at the Gahan Centre until 4th December

Gahan Centre
Cnr Grattan & Greville, Prahran

The Progress Not Perfection group is supporting carrying the AA message to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community by providing an Auslan interpreter in person and on Zoom

Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra

The Progress Not Perfection group is supporting carrying the AA message to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community by providing an Auslan interpreter in person and on Zoom

Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra

The Progress Not Perfection group is supporting carrying the AA message to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community by providing an Auslan interpreter in person and on Zoom

Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra

The Progress Not Perfection group is supporting carrying the AA message to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community by providing an Auslan interpreter in person and on Zoom

Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra
Auslan Interpreter at the Progress Not Perfection Meeting

The Sunday morning meeting at South Yarra Progress not Perfection is having a Auslan interpreter interpret the meeting for deaf/hard of hearing members and newcomers.

Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra
Auslan Interpreter at the Progress Not Perfection Meeting

The Sunday morning meeting at South Yarra Progress not Perfection is having a Auslan interpreter interpret the meeting for deaf/hard of hearing members and newcomers.

Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra
Spiritual Concept Day - Open Meeting

Presented by the Progress Not Perfection Group

Come along and listen to Speakers Share their Experience, Strength, and Hope.

  • 10:15am – A Coffee/Tea to Start the Day
  • 10:30am – Steps One to Three
  • 11:30am – Morning Tea Provided
  • 12:00pm – Steps Four to Nine
  • 1:00pm – Light Lunch Provided
  • 1:45pm – Steps Ten to Twelve
  • 2:45pm – Day Concludes You are welcome for the day, or to the session(s) of your choice.
Gold coin donation suggested
South Yarra Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra
Spiritual Concept Day

Sharing experience, strength and hope on how members have come to understand the spiritual side of the program through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Lunch and Afternoon Tea will be served - Gold Coin Donation
Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra
Spiritual Concept Day

Sharing experience, strength & hope around how members have come to understand the spiritual side of the program through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

Delicious lunch provided. Gold coin donation (if possible).
South Yarra Baptist Church
12 Surrey Road, South Yarra

Sharing experience, strength & Hope around how members have come to understand the spiritual side of the program through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

Gahan Centre
Cnr Grattan and Greville Streets, Prahran

A day of fellowship organised by the 'Progress not Perfection' group.

Gold coin donation.
Gahan Centre
Cnr Grattan & Greville, Prahran

Organised by the "Progress not Perfection" and the VicYPAA 2010 committee.

The purpose of this day is for members to share their experience, strength and hope around how they have made sense of and, on a daily basis, work the spiritual side of the steps and the programme of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Gold coin donation
Gahan Centre
Cnr Grattan & Greville, Prahran

The purpose of this day is for members to share their experience, strength and hope around how they have made sense of and, on a daily basis, work the spiritual side of the steps and the programme of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Gold coin donation
Gahan Centre
Cnr Grattan & Greville, Prahran

The purpose of this day is for members to share their experience, strength and hope around how they have made sense of and, on a daily basis, work the spiritual side of the steps and the programme of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Gold coin donation
Gahan Centre
Cnr Grattan & Greville, Prahran
Progress Not Perfection Chistmas Sausage Sizzle

BYO Drinks - Food supplied
Uniting Church
Cnr Cromwell & Motherwell Rds South Yarra