Alcoholics Anonymous - Bayswater Recovery Group

  Phone the group

Riley: 0411 913 316
Kate C: 0425 444 554

Bayswater Recovery Thursday In-person

Thursday 6:00pm AEDT Next meeting Thursday 20th February 6:00pm

Uniting Church Bayswater
654 Mountain Hwy, Bayswater VIC 3153

Corner of Mountain Hwy and Elm Street

Meeting Information

Daily reflections.

Daily Reflections
In-person (live)
60 minutes
Bayswater Recovery Group

Riley: 0411 913 316
Kate C: 0425 444 554

Bayswater Living Sober 15th Anniversary

Uniting Church Hall
Cnr Mountain Hwy & Elm Street, Bayswater
Living Sober 15 Year Anniversary

Bring a plate if you desire
Uniting Church Hall
Cnr Mountain Hwy & Elm Street, Bayswater
Living Sober Bayswater 12th Anniversary Sausage Sizzle and Steps Presentation

Chris & David will be doing their Illustrated Steps Presentation at 8.00 pm

Rear Uniting Church
Cnr Mountain Hwy & Elm St., Bayswater
Living Sober 8th Anniversary

Please bring a plate
Uniting Church Hall
Cnr Mountain Hwy & Elm St, Bayswater