Tell us about your AA Event

e.g. 'Box Hill Sunday Group', 'Area B Committee', 'VicYPAA Committtee'
When is it on?
Where is it?
e.g. 'Uniting Church Hall', 'Community House', 'Richmond Town Hall'
Add directions

Enter the details for connecting to your online event. If it's a Zoom event, copy the information from the invitation created by Zoom and paste it here:
Include the long link suppied if you have one, and the Meeting ID and Password

Details about the event?
e.g. 'Box Hill Anniversary', 'Area B Assembly', 'VicYPAA Roundup'
e.g. 'Guest Speaker', 'With Al-anon Participation', 'Fundraiser for VicYPAA'
Add more information

e.g. 'Registration $15', 'Gold coin donation', 'Please bring a plate'
Where can people find our more about the event?
Name and number for people to call for further information.
Please don't break a member's anonymity by using their surname. Caution: Be sure that the member knows this number will be published on the open internet and in the newsletter.
Email for further information. For anonyimity reasons, don't use an email address that includes a member's surname.
Webpage for the event or the orgainsing group / committee.
Drop file here or
Browse for file
Your contact details

This is just in case we need to clarify something about your event. These details will not be published or kept beyond the event date.

Will not be published. First name is enough.
Will not be published.
Will not be published.
Add a note for AATimes
Any special requests or notes for AATimes. Will not be published.