See below for New Meetings, Recently Changed Meetings and Meetings recently closed down
Gender Neutral Bigbook Study online
Time: 02:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Every week on Saturday
Meeting ID: 824 3750 1612
Passcode: SOBER
Meeting is held in Meeting Room 3, the first door on your right as you go through the main entrance to the building.
Off-street parking is available in the facility's carpark, entry from Eastwood Street.
Hybrid meeting
Recovery, Unity, Service.
Includes discussion of Steps, Traditions. Concepts, history
Come around right-hand side of the building. Parking is at the front.
The meeting is held in the back of the Dingley Village Library building.
Please enter the building via the rear door near the car park and basketball court.
Daily Reflections/Weekly Catch Up