Sarah: 0411361722
- Newcomers welcome
- Open meeting
- Kitchen open
- Fellowship following the meeting with coffee/food at nearby cafe, all welcome
- Zoom participants listen into live meeting without sharing but can hang around afterwards for their own virtual catch up
- Good selection of AA literature to purchase
In-Person and Online
Bring along your gratitude and maybe a mince pie.
Passcode: For the zoom password please message Brett 0460957457
In-person and Online
Feel free to bring a plate. There will be pizza.
Regular ID with a gratitude theme
Zoom ID: 628 677 2962 Please message Beth on 431 398 256 for the Zoom password.
Food, Fanta and Fellowship!
Text Richard C on 0423417590 for meeting password.
A regular ID meeting with a theme of Gratitude 🕯
Food, Fanta & Fellowship
Guest chairs
(Close to junction near Reserve Rd)