Alcoholics Anonymous - Northern Mens Group

Northern Men’s Carlton Meeting Pizza & Fellowship

Pizza & Fellowship 8pm onwards

Church of All Nations Carlton
180 Palmerston Str
Carlton, VIC 3053 Australia
Northern Mens Carlton Pizza Night / Fellowship

Meeting: 7-8pm
Pizza & Fellowship 8pm onwards


Phone 0413338690

Church of All Nations Carlton
180 Palmerston Str
Carlton, VIC 3053 Australia
Northern Mens Group Meeting Open As Usual New Years Day

All Saints Church
14-16 High Street, Westgarth
Northern Mens Group Meeting NOT OPEN Christmas Day

(Normally 6:00pm, All Saints Church, 14-16 High Street, Westgarth)

Northern Men's Group Meeting Open As Usual New Year's Eve

Church of All Nations Drop in Centre
Basement,180 Palmerston Street, Carlton
Northern Men's Group Meeting Not Open Christmas Eve

(Normally 7:00pm,Church of All Nations Drop in Centre, 180 Palmerston Street, Carlton)
Northern Mens Group - 1st Year Anniversary

Bring a plate - but food provided also
Church of All Nations Drop in Centre
Basement,180 Palmerston Street, Carlton
Northern Shire Mens Meeting Open As Usual on New Years Day

Church of All Nations Drop in Centre
Basement,180 Palmerston Street, Carlton
Northern Shire Mens Meeting Not Open on Christmas Day

(Normally 7:00pm, Church of All Nations Drop in Centre, 180 Palmerston Street, Carlton)