Alcoholics Anonymous - Pines Group

  Phone the group

Call Alison 0422 580 822 for any questions

Pines Frankston Thursday In-person

Thursday 8:00pm AEDT Next meeting Thursday 20th February 8:00pm

Meeting Information

ID, sharing stories of strength and hope

ID format
In-person (live)
Pines Group

Call Alison 0422 580 822 for any questions

Pines Frankston Thursday 30 Year Anniversary
Frankston North Community Centre
26 Mahogany Ave
Frankston North, VIC 3200
Frankston North Pines Group 29th Anniversary - Group 29th Anniversary

Frankston North Community Centre
26 Mahogany Ave, Frankston North VIC
Pines 16th Anniversary

Please bring a plate
Mahogany Community House
26-28 Mahogany Ave, Frankston North (Enter left near shops)
Pines 14th Anniversary

Please bring a plate
Mahogany Community House
26-28 Mahogany Ave, Frankston North (Enter left near shops)
Pines 13th Anniversary

Please bring a plate
Mahogany Community House
26-28 Mahogany Ave, Frankston North (Enter left near shops)
Pines 12th Anniversary

Please bring a plate
Mahogany Community House
26-28 Mahogany Ave, Frankston North (Enter left near shops)