St Davids Uniting Church Hall Parkdale - AA meetings

128 Parkers Rd, Parkdale VIC 3195, Australia

Mentone Parkdale Monday In-person

Monday 11:00am AEDT Next meeting Monday 14th October 11:00am

Meeting Information

ID Meeting; Sharing experience, strength and hope.

ID format
In-person (live)
90 minutes
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Mentone Group

Contact: Craig 0478 682 120

  Phone the group

Parkdale Ladies Saturday In-person and Online, Women

Saturday 1:30pm AEDT Next meeting Saturday 19th October 1:30pm

St Davids Uniting Church Hall Parkdale
128 Parkers Rd, Parkdale VIC 3195
Meeting ID: 825 0566 4305 Please call Jackie on 0417 773 553 to ID and get the password
Local phone number (03) 7018 2005 VIC Meeting ID: 825 0566 4305 Please call Jackie on 0417 773 553 to ID and get the password

Meeting Information

Hybrid meeting - online and in person
Women's Meeting

The meeting format rotates weekly: ID, Guest Speaker, Topic, Literature.

ID format
In-person (live)
Online Meeting
90 minutes
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